02 January 2010

Frida's Eyebrows

I often dream
of Frida's eyebrows

Dark, unrestricted
but not unruly

I wonder,
pondering her grooming habits,
how her lips move
when she eats


Anonymous said...

Another friend that I showed this poem to thought Freida was a horse? Where did that come from?

jEssay! said...

Frida Kahlo is one of my all-time favorite artists. Her journals, full of paintings, sketches, words and poetry, evoked greater depth in my writing during college and really expanded my idea of the use of a journal/sketchbook. The incredible way she used her debilitating accident to fuel her art, and used her art to delve deeper into the Self, inspires me to this day.

Some of her work and information on her life can be found here: http://www.pbs.org/weta/fridakahlo/worksofart/index.html