06 February 2010

Aspen Stand

I sit in this small aspen grove
My book and pen in hand
Taking a moment to absorb
Reflecting on the land

The wind picks up its haunting voice
Whispering through the trees
And I can't help but wonder if
Its message is for me

Far too much time I've spent the past
Cooped up inside all day
And gradually those forest voices
Start to drift away

Preoccupied with this and that
I'd spend my life inside
Until a profound part of me--
My Natural Self--died

The only way to get it back
And feel again like me
Is to take some time, like today,
To lean against a tree.

The voices of the forest, now,
Even as I sit here
They rise in volume and in voice
To captivate my ear

A promise to myself I make--
One with this aspen stand--
I shall never lose sight of me
And me in nature's land


Tracy said...

Beautiful. I felt like I could feel the emotion inside of you while reading this. I felt my heart become heavy and wet from the deep sharing, raw truth, and transformation this poem spoke of to me. Thank you for sharing your extraordinary gift and heart, Jess. With love!

jodie said...

Jess, beautiful words! you would have loved the city today - quiet under a hushing snow... no sirens, no horns, just dogs out on walks

Mary Beth said...

Very nice Jess. You are in a very beautiful place. I am proud of you.